Saturday, January 12, 2008

Boyd Graves: Letter to Ninth Circuit Court

January 9, 2008

Cathy Catterson, Clerk of the Court
United States Court of Appeals
for the Ninth Circuit
P.O. Box 193939
San Francisco, Ca 94119-3939

Re: The U.S. Attorney letter of January 7, 2008;
Case No. 07-056782 (Graves v. U.S.A.)

Dear Ms. Catterson:

I write in response to the U.S. Attorney’s letter of January 7, 2008, to you regarding the government’s desire to not adhere to the Briefing Schedule issued by the Court on December 14, 2007.

We find it strange the U.S. Attorney is now seeking to say the government had no prior knowledge of the federal litigation that has been persisting in the U.S. courts since September 1998. The origin of HIV/AIDS is not a “frivolous” issue as the Courts have held. There is a significant evidence base in U.S. law and fact for the allegation and the conclusion our government made AIDS.

Here, reading the 1/7/8 letter form the U.S. Attorney, one would be led to believe the U.S. Attorney has been left out of the picture by design or accident. This is simply untrue. The U.S. Attorney has been sent each and every court document that has been filed.

A review of the U.S. Attorney’s email will also show notification to the U.S. Attorney from the lower court as well.

A review of the docket reveals the U.S. Attorney was listed and served in this case in March 2007. The record clearly shows the U.S. Attorney General was served via certified mail return receipt requested on May 17, 2007.

The U.S. Attorney should be further compelled to respond to this individual lawsuit and the more important Constitutional questions of ‘state liability’ for the breach of the basic right to life. We find it peculiar the U.S. Attorney has not begun an inquiry of its own in support of my “right to life”.

The U.S. Attorney simply tried to ride the wave of the errant dismissal and is now crying foul on appeal. In any event, the U.S. Attorney owes a responsibility and duty to the American people to begin the review and investigation of the U.S. Special Virus (Cancer) Program (1962 – 1978). The American people and the people of the world are entitled to know the truth about the synthetic origin of HIV/AIDS and its ten year old CURE, U.S. patent#5676977. See,

The U.S. Attorney should be working for the American people, not trying to slither away from the greatest human holocaust in the history of the world with silence and denial.

Please alert me if I need to file a formal motion to enjoin the U.S. Attorney to this so necessary appeal.


Boyd Ed Graves, J.D.

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